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ColdFusion Posts Around the World.
My CFCamp 2024 Schedule
My CFCamp 2024 Schedule
South of Shasta
CF Camp is this week! Are you going? You should be. :) As usual with this conference, there is a ton of great content, and it's really hard to pick which sessions to attend. Here's where you'll probably be able to find me......
Is South of Shasta an Adobe ColdFusion or CFML shop?
Is South of Shasta an Adobe ColdFusion or CFML shop?
South of Shasta
Is South of Shasta an Adobe ColdFusion shop or a Lucee shop? I've been asked variations of this question several times recently, so I thought I'd share the answer here for anyone that's curious....
Is South of Shasta an Adobe ColdFusion shop?
Is South of Shasta an Adobe ColdFusion shop?
South of Shasta
Is South of Shasta an Adobe ColdFusion shop or a Lucee shop? I've been asked variations of this question several times recently, so I thought I'd share the answer here for anyone that's curious....
Speaking at CFCamp 2024
Speaking at CFCamp 2024
South of Shasta
Into The Box 2024 Recap
Into The Box 2024 Recap
South of Shasta
My Into The Box 2024 Schedule
My Into The Box 2024 Schedule
South of Shasta
Speaking at Into The Box 2024
Speaking at Into The Box 2024
South of Shasta
CF Summit East 2024 Recap
CF Summit East 2024 Recap
South of Shasta
Last week was the 2024 edition of CF Summit East in Washington DC.  Formerly called the Adobe Government Summit, CF Summit East has changed venues a couple of times. This year it was at the C...
Speaking at CF Summit East 2024
Speaking at CF Summit East 2024
South of Shasta
The kind folks at Adobe have invited me back to speak at CF Summit East 2024 in Washington DC. Sometimes called the “Government Summit”, this is the east coast ColdFusion conference, making it an easier option for the ea...
Get ColdFusion Certified in DC!
Get ColdFusion Certified in DC!
South of Shasta
Come Learn About Web Components!
Come Learn About Web Components!
South of Shasta
Did you miss the Adobe ColdFusion Summit in Las Vegas last year? Still bummed about missing all the rad content? You're in luck!  Adobe is currently running the ColdFusion Online Summit 2024 -- it's the same (I think) sessions that were done in ...
Object Oriented Programming Fundamentals
Object Oriented Programming Fundamentals
South of Shasta
Why is there so much OOP on the ColdFusion Certification Test?
Why is there so much OOP on the ColdFusion Certification Test?
South of Shasta
Alpine.js Crash Course
Alpine.js Crash Course
South of Shasta
MVC With and Without a Framework
MVC With and Without a Framework
South of Shasta
So you've looked at CF Components, and kind of understand the basics of how they work. Everyone says "frameworks are the way to go", but there's still a big knowledge gap between those 2 points. As each framework has its own terminology, how do you know where verbiage for one begins and...
How to set the Release Date on Masa CMS content en masse with the Feed API
How to set the Release Date on Masa CMS content en masse with the Feed API
South of Shasta
A little while ago we had a Mura site (which has recently been upgraded to Masa) with a bunch of blog articles and other content where the "Release Date" field was left empty by accident. Obviously this is not a great idea. Having a release date hel...
ColdFusion Summit 2023 Recap
ColdFusion Summit 2023 Recap
South of Shasta
A few weeks ago was the annual ColdFusion Summit in Las Vegas. And as expected, the event was very worth the trip! Overall I think everything ran very smoothly — food, sessions, staff, the party, and all the other things you'd expect at CF Summ...
Best Practices Are Best, Except When They're Not
Best Practices Are Best, Except When They're Not
South of Shasta
A code-review of sorts where we go over some of the real-world situations when things just don't go the way the Stack Overflow Gods say they should. We'll look at the pros and cons of solutions in these situations and the lessons hopefully learned along the way.  ...
Mura ORM + Feed API = Awesomeness
Mura ORM + Feed API = Awesomeness
South of Shasta
Two of the most powerful features in Mura 7 are the improvements made to Mura ORM and the Feed API. Mura ORM takes care of your CRUD-type operations, plus manages changes to the database tables as you’re developing. The Feed API can be used to write advanced filters, reports, and other quer...
My CF Summit 2023 Schedule
My CF Summit 2023 Schedule
South of Shasta
Are there any serious full-time ColdFusion jobs available?
Are there any serious full-time ColdFusion jobs available?
South of Shasta
I saw this question posted on a ColdFusion forum the other day: "Are there any serious, open full-time ColdFusion positions outside gov...
Real World ColdBox App Architecture
Real World ColdBox App Architecture
South of Shasta
Hi, I'm Nolan. My team is building a brand new ColdBox 6 app from scratch. We're using Docker, AWS, CommandBox, GitHub Actions, several modules from For...
My CFCamp 2023 Schedule
My CFCamp 2023 Schedule
South of Shasta
With so much great content at CFCamp, I'm having a hard time deciding between...                                      
Speaking at CF Camp 2023
Speaking at CF Camp 2023
South of Shasta
I'm sitting in a hotel room in Munich, recovering from jet lag. That can only mean one thing: CF Camp is back, and...
Into The Box 2023 Recap
Into The Box 2023 Recap
South of Shasta
Into The Box 2023 wrapped up a couple weeks ago. And as always, it was a great conference!                                      
My Into The Box 2023 Schedule
My Into The Box 2023 Schedule
South of Shasta
Into The Box 2023 starts tomorrow! After a flight that included several delay, I finally arrived at the hotel ...
Speaking at Into The Box 2023
Speaking at Into The Box 2023
South of Shasta
It's week I'll be speaking at Into The Box in Houston!                                      
ColdFusion Summit East 2023 Recap
ColdFusion Summit East 2023 Recap
South of Shasta
The 2023 CF Summit East Conference wrapped up yesterday — it was a fun,...                                      
My CF Summit East Schedule
My CF Summit East Schedule
South of Shasta
Greetings from the Chicago Airport! I'm currently waiting on my flight that's been delayed several times. This place becomes even more of a zoo every ti...
Speaking at CF Summit East 2023!
Speaking at CF Summit East 2023!
South of Shasta
Conference season is here again!  And I'll be kicking it off by speaking at Adobe ColdFusion Summit East 2023 in Washington DC!
Sample Code for the ColdBox Master Class
Sample Code for the ColdBox Master Class
South of Shasta
Are you taking the ColdBox Master Class on CFCasts? Some                                      
CFML Developer Wanted
CFML Developer Wanted
South of Shasta
We're looking for a CFML Developer to help with a new project. It should be pretty steady work for at least the rest of the year, possibly longer if all...
Free ColdBox Training For The Rest Of 2022
Free ColdBox Training For The Rest Of 2022
South of Shasta
CFML developers that still say "I don't know how to use ColdBox", your excuses are now officially invalid. ;)
Adobe CF Summit 2022 Recap
Adobe CF Summit 2022 Recap
South of Shasta
The Adobe CF Summit 2022 is done! I'm down in the hotel lobby waiting for my ride to the airport which means it's officially time to work on my conferen...
CF Summit 2022 Notes
CF Summit 2022 Notes
South of Shasta
Sometimes I take notes during the conference sessions. And to my surprise people are actually reading them. :) Here's everything I jotted down during th...
Speaking at CF Summit on Monday
Speaking at CF Summit on Monday
South of Shasta
FYI for anyone attending the Adobe CF Summit this week, there's been a small schedule change. I'll be giv
My CF Summit 2022 Schedule
My CF Summit 2022 Schedule
South of Shasta
Hotel confirmation is in hand, plane ticket has been booked, it’s official…I’m going to the                                      
Into The Box 2022 Recap
Into The Box 2022 Recap
South of Shasta
Into The Box 2022 is a wrap! My first in-person conference since this pandemic madness began two years ago. While
Web Components in Your CFML Application
Web Components in Your CFML Application
South of Shasta
Web Components provide a modular way to build a consistent design system and user experience across your entire application. Instead of copy/pasting the...
Speaking at Into The Box 2022
Speaking at Into The Box 2022
South of Shasta
(In my best comedian voice) so, the pandemic…am I right?! Next week I’m flying out to Texas for my first in-person conference in WAY too lo
Speaking At Adobe ColdFusion Developer Week 2022
Speaking At Adobe ColdFusion Developer Week 2022
South of Shasta
Slides are done, code is written, demos are working. It's official: I'm speaking at Adob                                      
Part-time CFML developer wanted
Part-time CFML developer wanted
South of Shasta
South of Shasta is looking for a part-time mid to senior level developer that can assist with some projects for our clients over the next few months, po...
Everything You Wanted to Know About Custom Tags But Were Afraid To Ask
Everything You Wanted to Know About Custom Tags But Were Afraid To Ask
South of Shasta
CFML Custom Tags have been in the language for decades, and can be a great building block for many facets of application development. They look like CFI...
Using Hazelcast With CFML
Using Hazelcast With CFML
South of Shasta
Recently I’ve been experimenting with Hazelcast, trying to wrap my head around various uses cases and how I m
Why Do Some CFML Jobs Require Degrees?
Why Do Some CFML Jobs Require Degrees?
South of Shasta
Earlier today in the ColdFusion Programmers forum on Facebook somebody asked (I’m paraphrasing a little) why do some ColdFusion jobs require a Com
ColdFusion Summit 2021 Notes: Tackling ColdFusion Security, Pete Freitag
ColdFusion Summit 2021 Notes: Tackling ColdFusion Security, Pete Freitag
South of Shasta
We’re all impacted by security hacks. Even the smartest devs will have security vulnerabilities in their code. Sometimes as devs we try to chase t
ColdFusion Summit 2021 Recap
ColdFusion Summit 2021 Recap
South of Shasta
Last month was the ColdFusion Summit 2021 Conference. Like many events lately this one was virtual (as oppose
Speaking at ColdFusion Summit 2021
Speaking at ColdFusion Summit 2021
South of Shasta
It's official -- I'm speaking at the Adobe ColdFusion Summit 2021!&nb                                      
Managers, You Need To Include Agendas In Your Meeting Invites
Managers, You Need To Include Agendas In Your Meeting Invites
South of Shasta
(I posted a smaller version of this on my LinkedIn profile yesterday, and thought I’d expand                                      
Object Oriented Programming with CFML Video Series
Object Oriented Programming with CFML Video Series
South of Shasta
Want to learn Object Oriented Programming with CFML? Are you still struggling with Components? No idea what they do or how to use them with confidence? ...
Speaking at ColdFusion Summit 2020
Speaking at ColdFusion Summit 2020
South of Shasta
How's 2020 treating you? ;) I haven't been posting much on here of late, for all the same 2020-quarantine reasons that everyone else has. Everything is behind, and going sideways, and all the other crazy things that have been happening. Fortunately I've got a few bits of good news starting to come i...
Speaking at Into The Box 2020
Speaking at Into The Box 2020
South of Shasta
This week I'm speaking at Into The Box 2020, giving an updated version of my talk "Testing My Non-ColdBox Site With TestBox". If you were at CF Camp last year and saw my preso, this is similar content, but with several updates....
CFML Design Patterns and Uses
CFML Design Patterns and Uses
South of Shasta
Design Patterns are some of the biggest benefits that come from using CFComponents. They're reusable techniques that can solve problems in a variety of projects - and the same patterns can be reused across other OOP languages as well. Just like a for() loop or an array, learning how to apply Design ...
CFCamp 2019 Recap
CFCamp 2019 Recap
South of Shasta
Sixteen hours in planes. Twenty-two hours of overall travel. And a 14-hour nap. I’m now back in Sacramento and somewhat right-side up after CFCamp 2019, the quintessential CFML / ColdFusion conference for Europe!...
CFCamp Notes: Lucee 5 and 6
CFCamp Notes: Lucee 5 and 6
South of Shasta
Gert and Micha kicked off day 1 of CFCamp with several demos of new things planned for Lucee. We saw code, we heard plans. There were demos, there were jokes, and there was lots of entertainment watching people try to use a German keyboard. :)...
CFCamp Notes: Lucee 5.4 & 6, Gert Franz and Michael Offner-Streit
CFCamp Notes: Lucee 5.4 & 6, Gert Franz and Michael Offner-Streit
South of Shasta
Gert and Micha kicked off day 1 of CFCamp with several demos of new things planned for Lucee. We saw code, we heard plans. There were demos, there were jokes, and there was lots of entertainment watching people try to use a German keyboard. :)...
My CFCamp 2019 Schedule
My CFCamp 2019 Schedule
South of Shasta
Greetings from Munich! I’m in town for CFCamp 2019. This is the tenth anniversary of the conference and should be an amazing event. I was lucky and they selected my talk “Testing My Non-ColdBox Site With TestBox”; this talk was given once for Ortus Developer Week well over a year ago and has been c...
ColdFusion Summit 2019 Recap
ColdFusion Summit 2019 Recap
South of Shasta
Last week was the 2019 ColdFusion Summit in Las Vegas. This year brought the conference back to The Mirage (last year’s event was at The Hard Rock Cafe). and by all accounts was a big success! Who are these jokers that keep spouting off about how “ColdFusion is dead”? Clearly they’ve never been to ...
ColdFusion Summit Notes: Please Pass the Salt: Serve Up Passwords With a Side of Entropy, Brad Wood
ColdFusion Summit Notes: Please Pass the Salt: Serve Up Passwords With a Side of Entropy, Brad Wood
South of Shasta
Pro tip: when Brad Wood is giving a talk at a conference, make attending said talk a priority -- you'll learn a lot. But also take notes, because he'll throw a ton of info at you in rapid fire succession interspersed with jokes, delivered just as quickly. I think it's all the Mountain Dew. ;)...
ColdFusion Summit Notes: SQL, I Learned Enough to Break Everything - Dave Ferguson
ColdFusion Summit Notes: SQL, I Learned Enough to Break Everything - Dave Ferguson
South of Shasta
SQL performance is important regardless of what type of application you're building. Whether it's written in legacy CFML, ColdBox 5, Framework-1, or even some other stack entirely, every tip Dave mentioned in this talk can be put to good use on your project....
ColdFusion Summit Notes: GET cfml - A Guide to Writing API Wrappers, Matthew Clemente
ColdFusion Summit Notes: GET cfml - A Guide to Writing API Wrappers, Matthew Clemente
South of Shasta
Matt gave this talk at Into The Box a year or two back, and it was one of the stand-out sessions for me. So much so, that I had to attend it again this year and see what new information he'd added to the preso....
ColdFusion Summit Notes: Testing - How Vital and How Easy to Use, Uma Ghotikar
ColdFusion Summit Notes: Testing - How Vital and How Easy to Use, Uma Ghotikar
South of Shasta
Uma has given her talks on testing at several conferences recently, and I've never been able to catch it until now. There's a reason she continues to get asked to give this presentation: it's packed full of useful info about testing your web applications. FYI, none of the info is ColdBox specific (...
ColdFusion Summit Notes: Making Modules - Utilizing Reusable Code through ColdBox Modules, Eric Peterson
ColdFusion Summit Notes: Making Modules - Utilizing Reusable Code through ColdBox Modules, Eric Peterson
South of Shasta
Modules are one of those ColdFusion things that often get interpreted as ColdBox-specific. While there are advantages to using them with ColdBox, you can build and use modules without having ColdBox anywhere on your server. Eric Peterson did a great job of explaining both scenarios and the pros and ...
ColdFusion Summit Notes: ColdFusion For the Next Decade, Rakshith Naresh
ColdFusion Summit Notes: ColdFusion For the Next Decade, Rakshith Naresh
South of Shasta
Rakshith showed a taste of what's being planned for ColdFusion 2020 and the version coming after that (I'm guessing it will be called ColdFusion 2022). Additionally, new features were added in the Update 5 that recently got released for version 2018, which Rakshith explained as well. There are some ...
ColdFusion Summit Notes: ColdFusion And Vue, Matt Gifford
ColdFusion Summit Notes: ColdFusion And Vue, Matt Gifford
South of Shasta
Fresh off a 20+ hour journey from Europe, Matt Gifford gave an excellent presentation on using Vue.js with ColdFusion. Had he not mentioned it, you'd never have guessed he was extremely jet-lagged. Matt is is as professional of a speaker as they come, and a dear friend to boot. It was great having h...
HTML and CSS Fundamentals for The Modern Web
HTML and CSS Fundamentals for The Modern Web
South of Shasta
Whether you call them “HTML and CSS” or “HTML5 and CSS3”, they are the same thing — the fundamental building blocks for making websites (for both desktop and mobile devices). In this class we’ll cover both, starting with the fundamentals of how HTML tags work and how to properly build a valid HTML ...
My ColdFusion Summit 2019 Schedule
My ColdFusion Summit 2019 Schedule
South of Shasta
Next week is the ColdFusion Summit 2019. As always it’s being held in Las Vegas. New this year is the location (The Mirage) and the previously mentioned new ColdFusion Certification Training! And of course a ton of new sessions from a variety of speakers. Way too much variety. Seriously, picking wha...
The New Adobe ColdFusion Certification Training
The New Adobe ColdFusion Certification Training
South of Shasta
Now that the videos are live, people have signed up, and all the wheels are in motion, I’m officially allowed to talk about it: There is a new Adobe ColdFusion Certification program available!...
My WordCamp 2019 Sacramento Schedule
My WordCamp 2019 Sacramento Schedule
South of Shasta
This weekend I’ll be at WordCamp Sacramento 2019. “Hey Nolan, I didn’t know you’re a WordPress developer?!”. While we’ve done some WordPress and PHP apps for clients over the years, that’s not really the reason I’ll be at this conference. Take a look at their schedule: 3 tracks, only one of which ...
Speaking at CF Camp 2019
Speaking at CF Camp 2019
South of Shasta
The sessions have been announced, I’m officially allowed to talk about it now: I’ll be speaking at CF Camp 2019 in Munich Germany later this year! This is the tenth CF Camp and the plan is to make this the best CF Camp yet, and celebrating the 10th anniversary. Based on the session list, I think th...
Speaking at Adobe ColdFusion Summit East 2019
Speaking at Adobe ColdFusion Summit East 2019
South of Shasta
It’s conference season again! Tomorrow morning I jump on a plane to DC for the Adobe ColdFusion Summit East. I’ll be teaching the “Angular + CFML Workshop" on Tuesday. This is an updated version of the workshop Carl Von Stetten and I taught at the Las Vegas conference last year. There are still a f...
Connecting Vue.js and CFML
Connecting Vue.js and CFML
South of Shasta
Vue.js is quickly becoming one of the more popular JavaScript frameworks. It provides a lot of the same benefits of Angular and React, but with a less intense learning curve, and more flexibility. We’ll start at the very beginning, showing how to install and begin using Vue and some of the basic fea...

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